main.php 7.3 KB

  1. <?php
  2. $params = array_merge(
  3. require __DIR__ . '/../../common/config/params.php' ,
  4. require __DIR__ . '/../../common/config/params-local.php' ,
  5. require __DIR__ . '/params.php' ,
  6. require __DIR__ . '/params-local.php'
  7. );
  8. return [
  9. 'id' => 'app-mobile' ,
  10. 'basePath' => dirname( __DIR__ ) ,
  11. 'bootstrap' => [ 'log' ] ,
  12. 'modules' => [
  13. 'live' => [
  14. 'class' => 'mobile\modules\live\Module' ,
  15. 'viewPath' => "@app/modules/live/views" ,
  16. 'layout' => 'main' ,
  17. ] ,
  18. ] ,
  19. 'controllerNamespace' => 'mobile\controllers' ,
  20. 'components' => [
  21. 'request' => [
  22. 'csrfParam' => 'csrf_token_m' ,
  23. ] ,
  24. 'user' => [
  25. 'identityClass' => 'common\models\User' ,
  26. 'enableAutoLogin' => true ,
  27. 'identityCookie' => [ 'name' => '_identity-mobile' , 'httpOnly' => true ] ,
  28. ] ,
  29. 'session' => [
  30. // this is the name of the session cookie used for login on the frontend
  31. 'name' => 'advanced-mobile' ,
  32. ] ,
  33. 'hostserver' => [
  34. 'class' => 'common\api\HostServer' ,
  35. ] ,
  36. 'log' => [
  37. 'traceLevel' => YII_DEBUG ? 3 : 0 ,
  38. 'targets' => [
  39. [
  40. 'class' => 'yii\log\FileTarget' ,
  41. 'levels' => [ 'error' , 'warning' ] ,
  42. ] ,
  43. // [
  44. // 'class' => 'yii\log\FileTarget',
  45. // 'levels' => ['error', 'warning','info'],
  46. // 'logVars'=>[],
  47. // //表示以yii\db\或者app\models\开头的分类都会写入这个文件
  48. // 'categories'=>['yii\db\*','common\models\*'],
  49. // //表示写入到文件sql.log中年月日记录日志
  50. // 'logFile'=>'@runtime/../logs/sql/sql.log'.date('Ymd'),
  51. // ]
  52. ] ,
  53. ] ,
  54. 'errorHandler' => [
  55. 'errorAction' => 'public/error' ,
  56. ] ,
  57. 'assetManager' => [
  58. // 'class' => 'yii\web\AssetManager',
  59. // 'appendTimestamp' => true,
  60. // 'forceCopy' => true,
  61. 'bundles' => [
  62. // 'linkAssets' => true,
  63. 'yii\web\YiiAsset' => [
  64. 'js' => [] , // 去除 yii.js
  65. 'sourcePath' => null , // 防止在 frontend/web/asset 下生产文件
  66. ] ,
  67. 'yii\widgets\ActiveFormAsset' => [
  68. 'js' => [] , // 去除 yii.activeForm.js
  69. 'sourcePath' => null , // 防止在 frontend/web/asset 下生产文件
  70. ] ,
  71. 'yii\validators\ValidationAsset' => [
  72. 'js' => [] , // 去除 yii.validation.js
  73. 'sourcePath' => null , // 防止在 frontend/web/asset 下生产文件
  74. ] ,
  75. // 'yii\bootstrap\BootstrapAsset' => [
  76. // 'css' => [], // 去除 bootstrap.css
  77. // 'sourcePath' => null, // 防止在 frontend/web/asset 下生产文件
  78. // ],
  79. 'yii\bootstrap\BootstrapPluginAsset' => [
  80. 'js' => [] , // 去除 bootstrap.js
  81. 'sourcePath' => null , // 防止在 frontend/web/asset 下生产文件
  82. ] ,
  83. 'yii\web\JqueryAsset' => [
  84. 'js' => [] , // 去除 jquery.js
  85. 'sourcePath' => null , // 防止在 frontend/web/asset 下生产文件
  86. ] ,
  87. ] ,
  88. ] ,
  89. 'urlManager' => [
  90. 'enablePrettyUrl' => true ,
  91. 'showScriptName' => false ,
  92. // 'enableStrictParsing' => true,
  93. 'rules' => [
  94. '/' => 'index/index' ,
  95. '/mobile<t:(/|)>' => 'index/index' ,
  96. '/house/search<t:(/|)>' => '/house/search' ,
  97. '/house/abroad<t:(/|)>' => '/house/abroad' ,
  98. '/house/searchdatas' => '/house/searchdatas' ,
  99. '/house/searchdata' => '/house/searchdata' ,
  100. '/house/soncity' => '/house/soncity' ,
  101. '/house/news/<hid:\w+><t:(/|)>' => '/house/news' ,
  102. '/house/type/<hid:\w+><t:(/|)>' => '/house/type' ,
  103. '/house/details/<hid:\w+><t:(/|)>' => '/house/details' ,
  104. '/house/periphery/<hid:\w+>' => '/house/periphery' ,
  105. '/house/album/<hid:\w+><t:(/|)>' => '/house/album' ,
  106. '/house/remarkfrom' => "house/remarkfrom" ,
  107. '/house/houseremark/<hid:\w+><t:(/|)>' => "/house/houseremark" ,
  108. '/house/houseloadremark/<hid:\w+><t:(/|)>' => "/house/houseloadremark" ,
  109. '/house/remarklikesfrom' => '/house/remarklikesfrom' ,
  110. '/house/remark/<hid:\w+><t:(/|)>' => '/house/remark' ,
  111. '/house/remarkdetails/<hid:\w+><t:(/|)>' => '/house/remarkdetails' ,
  112. '/house/dynamic' => '/house/dynamic' ,
  113. '/house/housetype' => '/house/housetype' ,
  114. '/house/housetypeall' => '/house/housetypeall' ,
  115. '/house/albumlist' => '/house/albumlist' ,
  116. '/house/tall' => '/house/tall' ,
  117. '/house/selftel/<hid:\w+><t:(/|)>' => "/house/selftel" ,
  118. '/house/houseprice' => '/house/houseprice' ,
  119. '/house/peitao/<hid:\w+>' => '/house/peitao' ,
  120. '/house/searchname' => '/house/searchname' ,
  121. '/about/company' => '/about/company' ,//关于我们
  122. '/about/contact' => '/about/contact' ,//联系我们
  123. '/house/licence' => '/house/licence' ,
  124. '/news/details/<nid:\w+><t:(/|)>' => '/news/details' ,
  125. '/video/videodetails/<hid:\w+><t:(/|)>' => '/video/videodetails' ,
  126. '/villa/villalist<t:(/|)>' => '/villa/villalist' ,
  127. // '/house/<hid:\w+><t:(/|)>' => '/house/home',
  128. '/house/<hid:><t:(/|)>' => '/house/home' ,
  129. //'/house/loan' => '/house/loan',
  130. '/house/pvimage/<hid:\w+><t:(/|)>' => '/house/pvimage' , // 相册放大浏览页面
  131. '/house/hximage/<hid:\w+><t:(/|)>' => '/house/hximage' , // 户型放大浏览页面
  132. '/house/zhongqu/<hid:>' => '/house/zhongqu' , //众趣播放页面
  133. '/house/loan/<hid:><t:(/|)>' => '/house/loan' ,
  134. '/house/intro/<hid:><t:(/|)>' => '/house/intro' ,
  135. '/knowledgebase/details/<nid:\w+><t:(/|)>' => '/knowledgebase/details' ,
  136. '/knowledgebase/list<t:(/|)>' => '/knowledgebase/list' ,
  137. '/knowledgebase/<t:(/|)>' => '/knowledgebase/index' ,
  138. '/news/homeform' => '/news/homeform' ,
  139. '/news/<cid:(\w+|/|)><t:(/|)>' => '/news/home' ,
  140. '/public/filtrate<t:(/|)>' => '/public/filtrate' ,
  141. '/public/searchalertwindow<t:(/|)>' => '/public/searchalertwindow' ,
  142. //奇葩说
  143. '/weirdo/details<t:(/|)><qid:\w+><r:(/|)>' => '/weirdo/details' ,
  144. '/weirdo<t:(/|)>' => '/weirdo/home' ,
  145. '/pj/details/<pid:\w+><t:(/|)>' => '/pj/details' ,
  146. '/pj/homeform' => 'pj/homeform' ,
  147. '/pj<t:(/|)>' => '/pj/home' ,
  148. '/wap<t:(/|)>' => '/wap/index' ,
  149. '<controller:\w+>/<action:\w+>' => '<controller>/<action>' ,
  150. '<controller:\w+>/<action:\w+>.html' => '<controller>/<action>' ,
  151. '<controller:\w+>/<action:\w+>.php' => '<controller>/<action>' ,
  152. ] ,
  153. ] ,
  154. ] ,
  155. 'params' => $params ,
  156. 'language' => 'zh-CN' ,
  157. ];