123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496 |
- /*-------------------- 获取地址栏地址并拆分 --------------------------------*/
- function getParams(url) {
- var theRequest = new Object();
- if (!url)
- url = location.href;
- if (url.indexOf("?") !== -1)
- {
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- var strs = str.split("&");
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- {
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- var val = strs[i].substring(strs[i].indexOf("=") + 1);
- theRequest[key] = val;
- }
- }
- return theRequest;
- }
- var objUrl = {}; //获取get参数
- var url = window.location.href;
- var params = getParams(url);
- if(!$.isEmptyObject(params)){
- $.each(params,function(key,val){
- objUrl[key] = val;
- })
- }
- var lpid=$('.lpalbum').attr('data-hid');
- var album_id = 0;
- var oindex = 0;
- var thisLi='';
- var urlid=objUrl.daid;
- var videoR=$('.showimg_center .y_v3videoBox').attr('url');
- var videoImg=$('.showimg_center .y_v3videoBox').attr('data-img');
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- $(function(){
- $('.lpalbumBox_rNav a').on('click',function(){
- var that = $(this);
- album_id =that.attr('album-id');
- var typeName=that.attr('type-name')
- if (album_id!=0 && typeName!='videourl') {
- $('.img_c_cin').html('查看原图')
- if (album_id!=objUrl.album_id) {
- urlid=0;
- };
- oindex=0;
- $('.showimg_center .y_v3videoBox').hide();
- // console.log(album_id)
- that.addClass('on').siblings().removeClass('on');
- var _html="";
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- var minindex = 0; // 小图所在的下标
- var minlength = 0; // 小图所有的总数
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- $('.lpalbumBox_l .next-btn').unbind();
- $('.tulist .tulist_main ul li').unbind();
- $('.tulist_main ul').html('');
- $.ajax({
- url: "/house/housephoto?page=0&type=picture&id="+lpid+'&type_id='+album_id,
- type: "get",
- dataType: "json",
- success: function(data) {
- if(data.code == 200){
- $.each(data.data, function (key,val) {
- _html+='<li class="swiper-slide" data-id="'+album_id+'" house-id="'+lpid+'" data-type="picture" data-id="'+key+'" data-url="'+val.img+'">';
- _html+='<a href="javascript:;"><img src="'+val.img+'" alt=""></a>';
- _html+='</li>';
- });
- $('.tulist .tulist_main ul').html(_html);
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- slideToClickedSlide:true,
- autoplayDisableOnInteraction:false,
- onInit: function(swiper){
- //Swiper初始化了
- minlength = swiper.imagesToLoad.length;
- ImgShow(swiper.activeIndex);
- },
- })
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- $('.lpalbumBox_l .prev-btn').on('click',function(){
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- ImgShow(minindex)
- if(minlength > 5 && minindex <= minlength-1 ){ //其中 12 为小图一排能显示12张图
- mySwiper.setWrapperTransition(800); //设定过渡的时间
- mySwiper.setWrapperTranslate('-'+minindex*152); //小图滑动,96为图片一次滑动的距离
- }
- // console.log(minindex)
- })
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- $('.lpalbumBox_l .next-btn').on('click',function(){
- (minindex == minlength-1) ? minindex = minlength-1 : minindex++;
- ImgShow(minindex)
- if(minlength > 5 && minindex <= minlength-5 ){ //其中 12 为小图一排能显示12张图
- mySwiper.setWrapperTransition(800); //设定过渡的时间
- mySwiper.setWrapperTranslate('-'+minindex*152); //小图滑动,96为图片一次滑动的距离
- }
- })
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- $('body .tulist_main').on('click','li',function(){
- var thit = $(this);
- minindex = thit.index();
- ImgShow(minindex)
- })
- $('.tulist_main li[data-id="'+urlid+'"]').click();
- mySwiper.setWrapperTranslate('-'+urlid*152); //小图滑动,96为图片一次滑动的距离
- // 获取图片地址并显示图片
- function ImgShow(index){
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- $('.list_length em').html((index+1))
- $('.showimg_center .img_c em img').attr('src',URL);
- $('.showimg_center .img_c').attr('data-index',index);
- $('.showimg_center .img_c').attr('data-id',album_id);
- $('.showimg_center .img_c').attr('house-id',lpid);
- $('.showimg_center .img_c').attr('data-type',typeName);
- thisLi.eq(index).addClass('on').siblings().removeClass('on');
- }
- }
- }
- });
- }else{
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- var _html="";
- $('.img_c_cin').html('播放视频');
- $('.showimg_center .y_v3videoBox').show();
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- var minindex = 0; // 小图所在的下标
- var minlength = 0; // 小图所有的总数
- // 以三行 unbind 解除绑定事件,是为了多次点导航时,执行次的原因
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- $('.lpalbumBox_l .next-btn').unbind();
- $('.tulist .tulist_main ul li').unbind();
- $('.tulist_main ul').html('');
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- _html+='<a href="javascript:;"><img src="'+videoImg+'" alt=""></a>';
- _html+='</li>';
- $('.tulist .tulist_main ul').html(_html);
- thisLi = $('.tulist_main li'); // 小图选择器
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- autoplayDisableOnInteraction:false,
- onInit: function(swiper){
- //Swiper初始化了
- minlength = swiper.imagesToLoad.length;
- ImgShow(swiper.activeIndex);
- },
- })
- // 左切换按钮
- $('.lpalbumBox_l .prev-btn').on('click',function(){
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- ImgShow(minindex)
- if(minlength > 5 && minindex <= minlength-1 ){ //其中 12 为小图一排能显示12张图
- mySwiper.setWrapperTransition(800); //设定过渡的时间
- mySwiper.setWrapperTranslate('-'+minindex*148); //小图滑动,96为图片一次滑动的距离
- }
- // console.log(minindex)
- })
- //右切换按钮
- $('.lpalbumBox_l .next-btn').on('click',function(){
- (minindex == minlength-1) ? minindex = minlength-1 : minindex++;
- ImgShow(minindex)
- if(minlength > 5 && minindex <= minlength-5 ){ //其中 12 为小图一排能显示12张图
- mySwiper.setWrapperTransition(800); //设定过渡的时间
- mySwiper.setWrapperTranslate('-'+minindex*148); //小图滑动,96为图片一次滑动的距离
- }
- })
- //小图点击事件
- $('body .tulist_main').on('click','li',function(){
- var thit = $(this);
- minindex = thit.index();
- ImgShow(minindex)
- })
- $('.tulist_main li[data-id="'+urlid+'"]').click();
- mySwiper.setWrapperTranslate('-'+urlid*148); //小图滑动,96为图片一次滑动的距离
- // 获取图片地址并显示图片
- function ImgShow(index){
- var URL = thisLi.eq(index).attr('data-url');
- $('.list_length em').html((index+1))
- $('.showimg_center .img_c em img').attr('src',URL);
- $('.showimg_center .img_c').attr('data-index',index);
- $('.showimg_center .img_c').attr('data-id',album_id);
- $('.showimg_center .img_c').attr('house-id',lpid);
- $('.showimg_center .img_c').attr('data-type',typeName);
- thisLi.eq(index).addClass('on').siblings().removeClass('on');
- }
- }
- })
- if (objUrl.album_id!=0) {
- $('.lpalbumBox_rNav a[album-id="'+objUrl.album_id+'"]').click();
- }else{
- $('.lpalbumBox_rNav a').eq(0).click();
- }
- var randomX = 100;
- var randomY = 243;
- var randvalue = parseInt(Math.random() * (randomX - randomY + 1) + randomY);
- $('.bin_f_text p.kt span').html(randvalue);
- })
- $(function(){
- /*----------------------------------图片放大特效浏览--------------------------------------------*/
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- $('.weffects-cls').on('click',function(){
- $('.weffects').hide();
- })
- // 大图触发
- var oindex = 0;
- $('body').on('click','.wwlargeimg',function(){
- $('.weffects').show();
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- var otype = that.attr('data-id');
- var oid = that.attr('house-id');
- var oty = that.attr('data-type');
- var nav = '';
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- oindex = that.attr('data-index');
- }
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- $.ajax({
- type: "post",
- url: '/public/gethouseablum',
- data: {type:oty,id:oid,type_id:otype},
- dataType: "json",
- success: function(data){
- if(data.code == 200){
- // 遍历导航
- if ($('body .y_v3videoBox').length>0) {
- nav +='<a data-type="videoUrl" house-id="'+oid+'" data-id="0" href="javascript:void(0);">视频(1)</a>'
- }
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- $('.weffects-list-nav').html('');
- $('.weffects-list-nav').append(nav);
- }
- $('.weffects-list-nav a[data-id="'+otype+'"]').click();
- }
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- $.ajax({
- type: "post",
- url: '/public/gethouseablum',
- data: {type:'picture',id:oid,type_id:otype},
- dataType: "json",
- success: function(data){
- if(data.code == 200){
- // 遍历导航
- if ($('body .y_v3videoBox').length>0) {
- nav +='<a data-type="videoUrl" house-id="'+oid+'" data-id="0" href="javascript:void(0);">视频(1)</a>'
- };
- $.each(data.data.nav,function(k,v){
- nav += '<a house-id="'+oid+'" data-type="picture" data-id="'+v.type_id+'" href="javascript:void(0);">'+v.name+'</a>';
- })
- $('.weffects-list-nav').html('');
- $('.weffects-list-nav').append(nav);
- }
- $('.weffects-list-nav a[data-id="'+otype+'"]').click();
- }
- });
- }
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- $('.weffects-list-nav').on('click','a',function(){
- oindex = 0;
- var that = $(this);
- var otype = that.attr('data-id');
- var oid = that.attr('house-id');
- var oty = that.attr('data-type');
- var li = '';
- var v_html='';
- // 初始化变量并赋值
- var minindex = 0; // 小图所在的下标
- var minlength = 0; // 小图所有的总数
- that.addClass('on').siblings().removeClass('on');
- if (oty=='picture') {
- // 以三行 unbind 解除绑定事件,是为了多次点导航时,执行次的原因
- $('.weffects .prev-btn').unbind();
- $('.weffects .next-btn').unbind();
- $('.weffects-list-imgbox li').unbind();
- $.ajax({
- type: "post",
- url: '/public/gethouseablum',//'/js/home.json',
- data: {type:oty,id:oid,type_id:otype},
- dataType: "json",
- success: function(data){
- if(data.code == 200){
- // 遍历导航
- li += '<div class="weffects-list-img">';
- li += '<ul class="swiper-wrapper">';
- $.each(data.data.imgarr,function(k,v){
- li += '<li class="swiper-slide" data-url="'+v.url+'"><img src="'+v.url+'" alt=""></li>';
- })
- li += '</ul>';
- li+='<div class="swiper-button-prev"></div>';
- li+='<div class="swiper-button-next"></div>';
- li += '</div>';
- $('.weffects-list-imgbox').html('');
- $('.weffects-list-imgbox').append(li);
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- var mySwiper = new Swiper('.weffects-list-img',{
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- prevButton:'.swiper-button-prev',
- nextButton:'.swiper-button-next',
- onInit: function(swiper){
- //Swiper初始化了
- minlength = swiper.imagesToLoad.length;
- ImgShow(swiper.activeIndex);
- // console.log(minlength)
- },
- })
- $('.weffects .prev-btn,.weffects .next-btn').show();
- // 左切换按钮
- $('.weffects .prev-btn').on('click',function(){
- (minindex == 0) ? minindex = 0 : minindex--;
- ImgShow(minindex)
- if(minlength > 7 && minindex <= minlength % 7 ){ //其中 12 为小图一排能显示12张图
- mySwiper.setWrapperTransition(800); //设定过渡的时间
- mySwiper.setWrapperTranslate('-'+minindex*156); //小图滑动,96为图片一次滑动的距离
- }
- // console.log(minindex)
- })
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- $('.weffects .next-btn').on('click',function(){
- (minindex == minlength-1) ? minindex = minlength-1 : minindex++;
- ImgShow(minindex)
- if(minlength > 7 && minindex <= minlength-7 ){ //其中 12 为小图一排能显示12张图
- mySwiper.setWrapperTransition(800); //设定过渡的时间
- mySwiper.setWrapperTranslate('-'+minindex*156); //小图滑动,96为图片一次滑动的距离
- }
- // console.log(minindex)
- })
- //小图点击事件
- $('.weffects-list-imgbox li').on('click',function(){
- var thit = $(this);
- minindex = thit.index();
- ImgShow(minindex)
- // console.log(minindex)
- })
- $('.weffects-list-imgbox li').eq(oindex).click();
- // 获取图片地址并显示图片
- function ImgShow(index){
- $('.magnify-box').html('');
- var URL = thisLi.eq(index).attr('data-url');
- // $('.magnify-box img').attr('src',URL);
- $('.magnify-box').html('<img src="'+URL+'">');
- thisLi.eq(index).addClass('in').siblings().removeClass('in');
- }
- }
- });
- }else if(oty=='videoUrl'){
- // 遍历导航
- li += '<div class="weffects-list-img">';
- li += '<ul class="swiper-wrapper">';
- li += '<li class="swiper-slide" data-url="'+videoImg+'"><img src="'+videoImg+'" alt=""></li>';
- li += '</ul>';
- li+='<div class="swiper-button-prev"></div>';
- li+='<div class="swiper-button-next"></div>';
- li += '</div>';
- $('.weffects-list-imgbox').html('');
- $('.weffects-list-imgbox').html(li);
- var thisLi = $('.weffects-list-imgbox li'); // 小图选择器
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- slidesPerView :'auto',
- spaceBetween : 8,
- slideToClickedSlide:true,
- autoplayDisableOnInteraction:false,
- prevButton:'.swiper-button-prev',
- nextButton:'.swiper-button-next',
- onInit: function(swiper){
- //Swiper初始化了
- minlength = swiper.imagesToLoad.length;
- ImgShow(swiper.activeIndex);
- // console.log(minlength)
- },
- })
- $('.weffects .prev-btn,.weffects .next-btn').hide();
- // 左切换按钮
- $('.weffects .prev-btn').on('click',function(){
- (minindex == 0) ? minindex = 0 : minindex--;
- ImgShow(minindex)
- if(minlength > 7 && minindex <= minlength % 7 ){ //其中 12 为小图一排能显示12张图
- mySwiper.setWrapperTransition(800); //设定过渡的时间
- mySwiper.setWrapperTranslate('-'+minindex*156); //小图滑动,96为图片一次滑动的距离
- }
- // console.log(minindex)
- })
- //右切换按钮
- $('.weffects .next-btn').on('click',function(){
- (minindex == minlength-1) ? minindex = minlength-1 : minindex++;
- ImgShow(minindex)
- if(minlength > 7 && minindex <= minlength-7 ){ //其中 12 为小图一排能显示12张图
- mySwiper.setWrapperTransition(800); //设定过渡的时间
- mySwiper.setWrapperTranslate('-'+minindex*156); //小图滑动,96为图片一次滑动的距离
- }
- // console.log(minindex)
- })
- //小图点击事件
- $('.weffects-list-imgbox li').on('click',function(){
- var thit = $(this);
- minindex = thit.index();
- ImgShow(minindex)
- })
- // $('.weffects-list-imgbox li').eq(oindex).click();
- // 获取图片地址并显示图片
- function ImgShow(index){
- $('.magnify-box').html('');
- var URL = thisLi.eq(index).attr('data-url');
- thisLi.eq(index).addClass('in').siblings().removeClass('in');
- v_html+='<div class="vidplay">';
- v_html+='<p><img src="'+URL+'" alt=""></p>';
- v_html+='<i><img src="/image/zuo14.png" alt=""></i>';
- v_html+='<video class="pause" preload controls src="'+videoR+'"></video>';
- v_html+='</div>';
- $('.magnify-box').html(v_html);
- }
- }
- })
- /*----------------------------------图片放大特效浏览end--------------------------------------------*/
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- $(this).find('p').hide();
- $(this).find('i').hide();
- $(this).find('video').trigger("play");
- $(this).find('video').removeClass('pause');
- $(this).find('video').addClass('play');
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- $(this).find('video').trigger("pause");
- $(this).find('video').removeClass('play');
- $(this).find('video').addClass('pause');
- }
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