language: node_js node_js: - "0.10" before_script: - "npm install -g grunt-cli" # Narwhal uses a hardcoded path to openjdk v6, so use that version - "sudo apt-get update -qq" - "sudo apt-get install -qq openjdk-6-jre" - "PACKAGE=rhino1_7R3; wget$ && sudo unzip $PACKAGE -d /opt/ && rm $" - "PACKAGE=rhino1_7R3; echo -e '#!/bin/sh\\njava -jar /opt/'$PACKAGE'/js.jar $@' | sudo tee /usr/local/bin/rhino && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/rhino" - "PACKAGE=ringojs-0.9; wget$ && sudo unzip $PACKAGE -d /opt/ && rm $" - "PACKAGE=ringojs-0.9; sudo ln -s /opt/$PACKAGE/bin/ringo /usr/local/bin/ringo && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ringo" - "PACKAGE=v0.3.2; wget$ && sudo unzip $PACKAGE -d /opt/ && rm $" - "PACKAGE=narwhal-0.3.2; sudo ln -s /opt/$PACKAGE/bin/narwhal /usr/local/bin/narwhal && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/narwhal" # If the enviroment stores rt.jar in a different directory, find it and symlink the directory - "PREFIX=/usr/lib/jvm; if [ ! -d $PREFIX/java-6-openjdk ]; then for d in $PREFIX/java-6-openjdk-*; do if [ -e $d/jre/lib/rt.jar ]; then sudo ln -s $d $PREFIX/java-6-openjdk; break; fi; done; fi" script: - "grunt ci" after_script: - "grunt shell:cover-coveralls"