render( 'mansion' ); } /* * 豪宅专区 - 数据 * */ public function actionMansionform () { $model = new PushmMansion(); $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $rows = $model->getList( $input ); if ( $rows != null ) { $imgUrl = Yii::$app->params[ 'httpImg' ][ 'host' ] . Yii::$app->params[ 'httpImg' ][ 'housealbum' ]; foreach ( $rows as &$val ) { $val[ 'create_at' ] = date( 'Y-m-d H:i' , $val[ 'create_at' ] ); $val[ 'img' ] = $imgUrl . $val[ 'img' ]; } return Help::JsonData( 0 , Yii::t( 'app' , 'get_success' ) , $model->Total( Yii::$app->request->post() ) , $rows ); } return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , Yii::t( 'app' , 'get_error' ) ); } /* * 豪宅专区 - 添加页面 * */ public function actionMansionadd () { $developers = $this->Developers(); return $this->render( 'mansionadd' , [ 'developers' => $developers ] ); } /* * 豪宅专区 - 添加页面 - 添加数据 * */ public function actionMansionaddform () { $model = new PushmMansion(); $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); if ( $input != null ) { $url = Yii::$app->params[ 'img_url' ][ 'housealbum' ]; $img = UploadFile::InstanceImgName( 'img' , $url ); if ( is_string( $img ) ) { $model->img = $img; } if ( $model->load( $input , '' ) && $model->save( false ) ) return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , '添加成功' ); } return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , '添加失败' ); } /* * 豪宅专区 - 修改页面 * */ public function actionMansionedit () { $model = new PushmMansion(); $input = Yii::$app->request->get(); $row = $model->FindById( $input[ 'id' ] ); if ( $row != null ) { $house = new House(); $house = $house->FindById( $row[ 'hid' ] ); $developers = $this->Developers(); foreach ( $developers as &$val ) { $val[ 'checked' ] = ''; if ( $val[ 'id' ] == $row[ 'did' ] ) { $val[ 'checked' ] = 'selected'; } } $imgUrl = Yii::$app->params[ 'httpImg' ][ 'host' ] . Yii::$app->params[ 'httpImg' ][ 'housealbum' ]; $row[ 'img' ] = $imgUrl . $row[ 'img' ]; return $this->render( 'mansionedit' , [ 'model' => $row , 'house' => $house , 'developers' => $developers ] ); } } /* * 豪宅专区 - 修改页面 - 修改数据 * */ public function actionMansioneditform () { $model = new PushmMansion(); $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $row = $model->FindById( $input[ 'id' ] ); if ( $row != null ) { $url = Yii::$app->params[ 'img_url' ][ 'housealbum' ]; $img = UploadFile::InstanceImgName( 'img' , $url ); if ( is_string( $img ) ) { UploadFile::delImg( $url , $row->img ); $row->img = $img; } if ( $row->load( $input , '' ) && $row->update() == true ) return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , '修改成功' ); } return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , '修改失败' ); } /* * 豪宅专区 - 审核排序删除 * */ public function actionMansiondelshow () { $model = new PushmMansion(); $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $row = $model->FindById( $input[ 'id' ] ); if ( $row != null ) { switch ( $input[ 'type' ] ) { case 'sort': $row->sort = $input[ 'sort' ]; break; case 'show': if ( $row->is_show == 1 ) { $row->is_show = 2; } else { $row->is_show = 1; } break; case 'del': if ( !empty( $row->img ) ) { UploadFile::delImg( Yii::$app->params[ 'img_url' ][ 'housealbum' ] , $row->img ); } if ( $row->delete() ) { return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , '删除成功' ); } break; } if ( $row->update( false ) ) return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , '修改成功' ); } return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , '修改失败' ); } /* * 豪宅专区 - 批量删除 * */ public function actionMansiondelall () { $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $model = PushmMansion::find()->where( [ 'in' , 'id' , $input[ 'id' ] ] )->all(); $delall = PushmMansion::deleteAll( [ 'id' => $input[ 'id' ] ] ); if ( $delall ) { foreach ( $model as $value ) { UploadFile::delImg( Yii::$app->params[ 'img_url' ][ 'housealbum' ] , $value[ 'img' ] ); } return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , '批量删除成功' ); } return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , '批量删除失败' ); } /* * 推送首页轮播 * */ public function actionRotation () { $city = $this->City(); return $this->render( 'rotation' , [ 'city' => $city ] ); } /* * 推送首页轮播数据 * */ public function actionRotationforms () { $model = new PushmRotation(); $rows = $model->getList( Yii::$app->request->post() ); if ( $rows != null ) { $imgUrl = Yii::$app->params[ 'httpImg' ][ 'host' ] . Yii::$app->params[ 'httpImg' ][ 'push_lb' ]; foreach ( $rows as &$val ) { $val[ 'create_at' ] = date( 'Y-m-d H:i' , $val[ 'create_at' ] ); $val[ 'img' ] = $imgUrl . $val[ 'img' ]; } return Help::JsonData( 0 , Yii::t( 'app' , 'get_success' ) , $model->Total( Yii::$app->request->post() ) , $rows ); } return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , Yii::t( 'app' , 'get_error' ) ); } /* * 推送首页轮播 - 添加页面 */ public function actionRotationadd () { $cityModel = $this->City(); return $this->render( 'rotationadd' , [ 'city' => $cityModel ] ); } /* * 推送首页轮播 - 添加数据 */ public function actionRotationform () { try { $model = new PushmRotation(); $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $url = Yii::$app->params[ 'img_url' ][ 'push_lb' ]; $img = UploadFile::InstanceImgName_v1( 'img' , $url ); if ( is_string( $img ) ) { $input[ 'img' ] = $img; } $model->load( $input , '' ); if ( $model->save() ) return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , Yii::t( 'app' , 'add_success' ) ); return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , Yii::t( 'app' , 'add_error' ) , $model->errors ); } catch ( \Exception $e ) { return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , Yii::t( 'app' , 'add_error' ) , $e->getMessage() ); } } /* * 推送首页轮播 - 修改 */ public function actionRotationedit () { $model = new PushmRotation(); $input = Yii::$app->request->get(); $row = $model->FindById( $input[ 'id' ] ); if ( $row != null ) { $imgUrl = Yii::$app->params[ 'httpImg' ][ 'host' ] . Yii::$app->params[ 'httpImg' ][ 'push_lb' ]; $row[ 'img' ] = $imgUrl . $row[ 'img' ]; $cityModel = $this->City(); foreach ( $cityModel as &$val ) { $val[ 'checked' ] = ''; if ( $val[ 'id' ] == $row[ 'city' ] ) { $val[ 'checked' ] = 'selected'; } } return $this->render( 'rotationedit' , [ 'model' => $row , 'city' => $cityModel ] ); } } /* * 推送首页轮播 - 修改数据 * */ public function actionRotationeditform () { $model = new PushmRotation(); $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $setAttribute = $model->Authenticator( $input ); if ( is_object( $setAttribute ) ) { $row = $model->FindById( $input[ 'id' ] ); if ( $row != null ) { $row = Help::SetAttr( $input , $model , $row ); $url = Yii::$app->params[ 'img_url' ][ 'push_lb' ]; $img = UploadFile::InstanceImgName( 'img' , $url ); if ( is_string( $img ) ) { UploadFile::delImg( $url , $row->img ); $row->img = $img; } if ( $row->save( false ) ) return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , Yii::t( 'app' , 'edit_success' ) ); } } return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , Yii::t( 'app' , 'edit_error' ) , $setAttribute ); } /* * 推送首页轮播 - 删除 and 禁用 * */ public function actionImgdelshow () { $model = new PushmRotation(); $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $row = $model->FindById( $input[ 'id' ] ); if ( $row != null ) { switch ( $input[ 'type' ] ) { case 'show': if ( $row->is_show == 1 ) { $row->is_show = 2; } else if ( $row->is_show == 2 ) { $row->is_show = 1; } break; case 'sort': if ( is_numeric( $input[ 'sort' ] ) ) { $row->sort = $input[ 'sort' ]; } break; case 'del': if ( $row->delete() ) { UploadFile::delImg( Yii::$app->params[ 'img_url' ][ 'push_lb' ] , $row->img ); return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , Yii::t( 'app' , 'edit_success' ) ); } break; case 'expiration': $row->expiration_date = $input[ 'expiration' ]; break; } if ( $row->save( false ) ) return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , Yii::t( 'app' , 'edit_success' ) ); } return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , Yii::t( 'app' , 'edit_error' ) ); } /******************************豪宅楼盘*************************************/ /* * 推送首页轮播 * */ public function actionVilla () { return $this->render( 'villa' ); } /* * 推送首页轮播数据 * */ public function actionVillaforms () { $model = new PushmVilla(); $rows = $model->getList( Yii::$app->request->post() ); if ( $rows != null ) { $imgUrl = Yii::$app->params[ 'httpImg' ][ 'host' ] . Yii::$app->params[ 'httpImg' ][ 'villa' ]; foreach ( $rows as &$val ) { $val[ 'create_at' ] = date( 'Y-m-d H:i' , $val[ 'create_at' ] ); $val[ 'img' ] = $imgUrl . $val[ 'img' ]; } return Help::JsonData( 0 , Yii::t( 'app' , 'get_success' ) , $model->Total() , $rows ); } return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , Yii::t( 'app' , 'get_error' ) ); } /* * 推送首页轮播 - 添加页面 */ public function actionVillaadd () { $cityModel = $this->City(); $developers = $this->Developers(); return $this->render( 'villaadd' , [ 'city' => $cityModel , 'developers' => $developers ] ); } /* * 推送首页轮播 - 添加数据 */ public function actionVillaform () { $model = new PushmVilla(); $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $model = $model->Authenticator( $input ); if ( is_object( $model ) ) { $url = Yii::$app->params[ 'img_url' ][ 'villa' ]; $img = UploadFile::InstanceImgName( 'img' , $url ); if ( is_string( $img ) ) { $model->img = $img; //压缩图片 $compressParams = []; $compressParams[ 'data' ][ 'imgname' ] = $img;; $compressParams[ 'data' ][ 'url' ] = $url; $compressParams[ 'data' ][ 'source' ] = '移动端推送位,首页热门活动@添加'; $ya = new \backend\event\TinifyEvent(); $ya->CompressImg( $compressParams ); } if ( $model->save( false ) ) return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , Yii::t( 'app' , 'add_success' ) ); } return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , Yii::t( 'app' , 'add_error' ) , $model ); } /* * 推送首页轮播 - 修改 */ public function actionVillaedit () { $model = new PushmVilla(); $input = Yii::$app->request->get(); $row = $model->FindById( $input[ 'id' ] ); if ( $row != null ) { $imgUrl = Yii::$app->params[ 'httpImg' ][ 'host' ] . Yii::$app->params[ 'httpImg' ][ 'villa' ]; $row[ 'img' ] = $imgUrl . $row[ 'img' ]; $cityModel = $this->City(); $developers = $this->Developers(); foreach ( $cityModel as &$val ) { $val[ 'checked' ] = ''; if ( $val[ 'id' ] == $row[ 'city' ] ) { $val[ 'checked' ] = 'selected'; } } foreach ( $developers as &$val ) { $val[ 'checked' ] = ''; if ( $val[ 'id' ] == $row[ 'developers' ] ) { $val[ 'checked' ] = 'selected'; } } return $this->render( 'villaedit' , [ 'model' => $row , 'city' => $cityModel , 'developers' => $developers ] ); } } /* * 推送首页轮播 - 修改数据 * */ public function actionVillaeditform () { $model = new PushmVilla(); $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $setAttribute = $model->Authenticator( $input ); if ( is_object( $setAttribute ) ) { $row = $model->FindById( $input[ 'id' ] ); if ( $row != null ) { $row = Help::SetAttr( $input , $model , $row ); $url = Yii::$app->params[ 'img_url' ][ 'villa' ]; $img = UploadFile::InstanceImgName( 'img' , $url ); if ( is_string( $img ) ) { UploadFile::delImg( $url , $row->img ); $row->img = $img; //压缩图片 $compressParams = []; $compressParams[ 'data' ][ 'imgname' ] = $img;; $compressParams[ 'data' ][ 'url' ] = $url; $compressParams[ 'data' ][ 'source' ] = '移动端推送位,首页热门活动@修改'; $ya = new \backend\event\TinifyEvent(); $ya->CompressImg( $compressParams ); } if ( $row->save( false ) ) return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , Yii::t( 'app' , 'edit_success' ) ); } } return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , Yii::t( 'app' , 'edit_error' ) , $setAttribute ); } /* * 推送首页轮播 - 删除 and 禁用 * */ public function actionVillaimgdelshow () { $model = new PushmVilla(); $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $row = $model->FindById( $input[ 'id' ] ); if ( $row != null ) { switch ( $input[ 'type' ] ) { case 'show': if ( $row->is_show == 1 ) { $row->is_show = 2; } else if ( $row->is_show == 2 ) { $row->is_show = 1; } break; case 'del': $row->del = 2; break; } if ( $row->save( false ) ) return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , Yii::t( 'app' , 'edit_success' ) ); } return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , Yii::t( 'app' , 'edit_error' ) ); } /******************************豪宅楼盘*************************************/ /* * 首页-品房推荐 -列表 * */ public function actionRecommend () { return $this->render( 'recommend' ); } public function actionRecommendform () { $model = new PushmRecommend(); $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $rows = $model->getList( $input ); if ( $rows != null ) { foreach ( $rows as &$val ) { $val[ 'create_at' ] = date( 'Y-m-d H:i' , $val[ 'create_at' ] ); } return Help::JsonData( 0 , Yii::t( 'app' , 'get_success' ) , $model->Total() , $rows ); } return Help::JsonData( Help::ERROR , Yii::t( 'app' , 'get_error' ) , 0 ); } /* * 移动端导航推荐 * */ public function actionMenu () { return $this->render( 'menu' ); } /* * 推送移动端导航推荐 * */ public function actionMenuforms () { $model = new PushmMenu(); $rows = $model->getList( Yii::$app->request->post() ); if ( $rows != null ) { foreach ( $rows as &$val ) { $val[ 'create_at' ] = date( 'Y-m-d H:i' , $val[ 'create_at' ] ); } return Help::JsonData( 0 , Yii::t( 'app' , 'get_success' ) , $model->Total() , $rows ); } return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , Yii::t( 'app' , 'get_error' ) ); } /* * 推送移动端导航推荐 - 添加页面 */ public function actionMenuadd () { $cityModel = $this->City(); $menu = $this->parentMenu(); return $this->render( 'menuadd' , [ 'city' => $cityModel , 'menu' => $menu ] ); } //*获取父级菜单*/ private function parentMenu () { $frontend = new \common\models\Frontend(); //$menu=$frontend->PidList(0) return $frontend->PidList( 0 ); } /* * 推送移动端导航推荐 */ public function actionMenuform () { $model = new PushmMenu(); $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $model = $model->Authenticator( $input ); if ( is_object( $model ) ) { if ( $model->save( false ) ) return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , Yii::t( 'app' , 'add_success' ) ); } return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , Yii::t( 'app' , 'add_error' ) , $model ); } public function actionMenudel () { $model = new PushmMenu(); $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $row = $model->FindById( $input[ 'id' ] ); if ( $row != null ) { switch ( $input[ 'type' ] ) { case 'del': $row->del = 2; break; } if ( $row->save( false ) ) return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , Yii::t( 'app' , 'edit_success' ) ); } return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , Yii::t( 'app' , 'edit_error' ) ); } /* * 首页-品房推荐 - 添加页面 */ public function actionRecommendadd () { return $this->render( 'recommendadd' ); } /* * 首页-品房推荐 - 添加数据 * */ public function actionRecommendaddform () { $model = new PushmRecommend(); $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $auth = $model->Authenticator( $input ); if ( is_object( $auth ) ) { // $url = Yii::$app->params['img_url']['hot_activity']; // $img = UploadFile::InstanceImgName('img',$url); // if(is_string($img)) // { // $auth->img = $img; // } if ( $auth->save() ) return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , Yii::t( 'app' , 'add_success' ) ); } return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , Yii::t( 'app' , 'add_error' ) , $auth ); } /* * 首页-品房推荐 - 修改页面 */ public function actionRecommendedit () { $model = new PushmRecommend(); $row = $model->FindById( Yii::$app->request->get( 'id' ) ); if ( $row != null ) { return $this->render( 'recommendedit' , [ 'model' => $row ] ); } } /* * 首页-品房推荐 - 修改数据 * */ public function actionRecommendeditform () { $model = new PushmRecommend(); $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $setAttribute = $model->Authenticator( $input ); if ( is_object( $setAttribute ) ) { $row = $model->FindById( $input[ 'id' ] ); if ( $row != null ) { $row = Help::SetAttr( $input , $model , $row ); if ( $row->save() ) return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , Yii::t( 'app' , 'edit_success' ) ); } } return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , Yii::t( 'app' , 'edit_error' ) , $setAttribute ); } /* * 首页-品房推荐 - 删除 and 禁用 * */ public function actionRecommenddelshow () { $model = new PushmRecommend(); $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $row = $model->FindById( $input[ 'id' ] ); if ( $row != null ) { switch ( $input[ 'type' ] ) { case 'show': if ( $row->is_show == 1 ) { $row->is_show = 2; } else if ( $row->is_show == 2 ) { $row->is_show = 1; } break; case 'del': $row->del = 2; break; } if ( $row->save( false ) ) return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , Yii::t( 'app' , 'edit_success' ) ); } return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , Yii::t( 'app' , 'edit_error' ) ); } /* * 首页-热销楼盘 * */ public function actionHotsale () { return $this->render( 'hotsale' , [ 'type' => 1 ] ); } /* * 首页-热销楼盘 - 数据 * */ public function actionHotsaleform () { $model = new PushmHouse(); $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); if ( !empty( $input[ 'city_id' ] ) ) { $input[ 'city_id' ] = explode( ',' , $input[ 'city_id' ] ); } $result = $model->getList( $input ); if ( $result != null ) { foreach ( $result as &$val ) { $val[ 'create_at' ] = date( 'Y-m-d H:i' , $val[ 'create_at' ] ); } return Help::JsonData( 0 , Yii::t( 'app' , 'get_success' ) , $model->Totalhotsalefeng( $input ) , $result ); } return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , Yii::t( 'app' , 'get_error' ) ); } /* * 首页-热销楼盘 - 添加 */ public function actionHotsaleadd () { return $this->render( 'hotsaleadd' , [ 'type' => Yii::$app->request->get( 'type' ) ] ); } /* * 首页-热销楼盘 - 添加数据 */ public function actionHotsaleaddform () { $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $model = new PushmHouse(); $model->scenario = 'add'; $validate = $model->Authenticator( $input ); if ( is_object( $validate ) ) { if ( $validate->save( false ) ) return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , Yii::t( 'app' , 'add_success' ) ); } return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , Yii::t( 'app' , 'add_error' ) , $validate ); } /* * 首页-热销楼盘- - 删除 and 禁用 * */ public function actionSaledelshow () { $model = new PushmHouse(); $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $row = $model->FindById( $input[ 'id' ] ); if ( $row != null ) { switch ( $input[ 'type' ] ) { case 'show': if ( $row->is_show == 1 ) { $row->is_show = 2; } else if ( $row->is_show == 2 ) { $row->is_show = 1; } break; case 'del': $row->del = 2; break; case 'sort': if ( is_numeric( $input[ 'sort' ] ) ) { $row->sort = $input[ 'sort' ]; } break; } if ( $row->save( false ) ) return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , Yii::t( 'app' , 'edit_success' ) ); } return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , Yii::t( 'app' , 'edit_error' ) ); } /* * 首页-热销楼盘- 批量删除 * */ public function actionHotsaledelall () { $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $delall = PushmHouse::deleteAll( [ 'id' => $input[ 'id' ] ] ); if ( $delall ) { return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , '批量删除成功' ); } return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , '批量删除失败' ); } /* * 搜索框 - 热门筛选 * */ public function actionHotscreen () { return $this->render( 'hotsale' , [ 'type' => 2 ] ); } /* * 首页 - 精选楼盘 * */ public function actionHotselected () { return $this->render( 'hotsale' , [ 'type' => 4 , 'city_id' => Yii::$app->request->get( 'city_id' ) ] ); } /* *首页-热门地区 * */ public function actionHotcity () { return $this->render( 'hotcity' , [ 'type' => 1 ] ); } /* * 首页-热门区域-数据列表 * */ public function actionHotcityform () { $model = new PushmCity(); $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $model->type = $input[ 'type' ]; $rows = $model->getList( $input ); if ( !empty( $rows ) ) { foreach ( $rows as &$val ) { $val[ 'img' ] = Yii::$app->params[ 'httpImg' ][ 'host' ] . Yii::$app->params[ 'httpImg' ][ 'city' ] . $val[ 'img' ]; $val[ 'create_at' ] = date( 'Y-m-d H:i' , $val[ 'create_at' ] ); } return Help::JsonData( 0 , '成功' , $model->Total() , $rows ); } } /* * 首页-热门区域-数据列表 * */ public function actionHotcityadd () { $cityModel = ( new CategoryCity() )->SortgetList( [] ); return $this->render( 'hotcityadd' , [ 'type' => Yii::$app->request->get( 'type' ) , 'city' => $cityModel ] ); } /* * 首页-热门区域-数据列表 * */ public function actionHotcityaddform () { $model = new PushmCity(); $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $model->scenario = 'add'; $auth = $model->Authenticator( $input ); if ( is_object( $auth ) ) { $img = UploadFile::InstanceImgName( 'img' , Yii::$app->params[ 'img_url' ][ 'city' ] ); if ( is_string( $img ) ) { $auth->img = $img; } if ( $auth->save( false ) ) return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , Yii::t( 'app' , 'add_success' ) ); } return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , Yii::t( 'app' , 'add_error' ) , $auth ); } /* * 热门区域- 修改 */ public function actionHotcityedit () { $model = new PushmCity(); $input = Yii::$app->request->get(); $row = $model->FindById( $input[ 'id' ] ); if ( $row != null ) { $cityModel = ( new CategoryCity() )->SortgetList( [] ); foreach ( $cityModel as &$val ) { $val[ 'checked' ] = ''; if ( $val[ 'id' ] == $row[ 'city_id' ] ) { $val[ 'checked' ] = 'selected'; } } return $this->render( 'hotcityedit' , [ 'model' => $row , 'city' => $cityModel ] ); } } /* * 推送首页轮播 - 修改数据 * */ public function actionHotcityeditform () { $model = new PushmCity(); $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $setAttribute = $model->Authenticator( $input ); if ( is_object( $setAttribute ) ) { $row = $model->FindById( $input[ 'id' ] ); if ( $row != null ) { $row = Help::SetAttr( $input , $model , $row ); if ( $row->save( false ) ) return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , Yii::t( 'app' , 'edit_success' ) ); } } return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , Yii::t( 'app' , 'edit_error' ) , $setAttribute ); } /* * 首页-精选 - 删除 and 禁用 * */ public function actionCitydelshow () { $model = new PushmCity(); $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $row = $model->FindById( $input[ 'id' ] ); if ( $row != null ) { switch ( $input[ 'type' ] ) { case 'show': if ( $row->is_show == 1 ) { $row->is_show = 2; } else if ( $row->is_show == 2 ) { $row->is_show = 1; } break; case 'del': if ( !empty( $row->img ) ) { UploadFile::delImg( Yii::$app->params[ 'img_url' ][ 'city' ] , $row->img ); } if ( $row->delete() ) { return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , Yii::t( 'app' , 'edit_success' ) ); } break; case 'sort': if ( !is_numeric( $input[ 'sort' ] ) ) { return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , '请输入数字' ); } $row->sort = $input[ 'sort' ]; break; } if ( $row->save( false ) ) return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , Yii::t( 'app' , 'edit_success' ) ); } return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , Yii::t( 'app' , 'edit_error' ) ); } /* * 首页-特色类型 页面 * */ public function actionCharacteristic () { return $this->render( 'characteristic' ); } /* * 首页-特色类型 数据 * */ public function actionCharacteristicform () { $model = new PushmCharacteristic(); $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $rows = $model->getList( $input ); if ( !empty( $rows ) ) { $url = Yii::$app->params[ 'httpImg' ][ 'host' ] . Yii::$app->params[ 'httpImg' ][ 'characteristic' ]; foreach ( $rows as &$val ) { $val[ 'create_at' ] = date( 'Y-m-d H:i' , $val[ 'create_at' ] ); $val[ 'img' ] = $url . $val[ 'img' ]; } return Help::JsonData( 0 , Yii::t( 'app' , 'get_success' ) , $model->Total() , $rows ); } } /* * 首页-特色类型 添加页面 * */ public function actionCharacteristicadd () { return $this->render( 'characteristicadd' ); } /* * 首页-特色类型 添加页面 * */ public function actionCharacteristicaddform () { $model = new PushmCharacteristic(); $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $auth = $model->Authenticator( $input ); if ( is_object( $auth ) ) { $url = Yii::$app->params[ 'img_url' ][ 'characteristic' ]; $imgStr = UploadFile::InstanceImgName( 'img' , $url ); if ( is_string( $imgStr ) ) { $auth->img = $imgStr; } if ( $auth->save( false ) ) return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , Yii::t( 'app' , 'add_success' ) ); } return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , Yii::t( 'app' , 'add_error' ) , $auth ); } /* * 首页-特色类型 修改页面 * */ public function actionCharacteristicedit () { $model = new PushmCharacteristic(); $row = $model->FindById( Yii::$app->request->get( 'id' ) ); if ( $row != null ) { $row[ 'img' ] = Yii::$app->params[ 'httpImg' ][ 'host' ] . Yii::$app->params[ 'httpImg' ][ 'characteristic' ] . $row[ 'img' ]; return $this->render( 'characteristicedit' , [ 'model' => $row , 'get' => Yii::$app->request->get() ] ); } } /* * 首页-特色类型 修改页面 * */ public function actionCharacteristiceditform () { $model = new PushmCharacteristic(); $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $auth = $model->Authenticator( $input ); if ( is_object( $auth ) ) { $row = $model->FindById( $input[ 'id' ] ); if ( !empty( $row ) ) { $url = Yii::$app->params[ 'img_url' ][ 'characteristic' ]; $imgStr = UploadFile::InstanceImgName( 'img' , $url ); $result = Help::SetAttr( $input , $auth , $row ); if ( is_string( $imgStr ) ) { UploadFile::delImg( $url , $row[ 'img' ] ); $result->img = $imgStr; } if ( $result->save( false ) ) return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , Yii::t( 'app' , 'edit_success' ) ); } } return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , Yii::t( 'app' , 'edit_error' ) , $auth ); } /* * 首页-特色类型 - 删除 and 禁用 * */ public function actionCharacteristicdelshow () { $model = new PushmCharacteristic(); $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $row = $model->FindById( $input[ 'id' ] ); if ( $row != null ) { switch ( $input[ 'type' ] ) { case 'show': if ( $row->is_show == 1 ) { $row->is_show = 2; } else if ( $row->is_show == 2 ) { $row->is_show = 1; } break; case 'del': if ( !empty( $row->img ) ) { UploadFile::delImg( Yii::$app->params[ 'img_url' ][ 'characteristic' ] , $row->img ); } if ( $row->delete() ) { return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , Yii::t( 'app' , 'edit_success' ) ); } break; case 'sort': if ( !is_numeric( $input[ 'sort' ] ) ) { return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , '请输入数字' ); } $row->sort = $input[ 'sort' ]; break; } if ( $row->save( false ) ) return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , Yii::t( 'app' , 'edit_success' ) ); } return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , Yii::t( 'app' , 'edit_error' ) ); } /* * 首页 - 拨打电话图标 随机区域里面的电话号码 * */ public function actionRandcity () { return $this->render( 'randcity' , [ 'type' => 2 ] ); } /* * 首页 - 拨打电话 数据 * */ public function actionRandcityform () { $model = new PushmCity(); $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $model->type = $input[ 'type' ]; $rows = $model->getList( $input ); if ( !empty( $rows ) ) { foreach ( $rows as &$val ) { $val[ 'create_at' ] = date( 'Y-m-d H:i' , $val[ 'create_at' ] ); } return Help::JsonData( 0 , '成功' , $model->Total() , $rows ); } } /* * 首页 - 拨打电话 添加页面 * */ public function actionRandcityadd () { return $this->render( 'randcityadd' , [ 'type' => Yii::$app->request->get( 'type' ) ] ); } /* * 首页 - 拨打电话 添加数据 * */ public function actionRandcityaddform () { } /********限时团购*********/ public function actionTimelimitsgroup () { $cityModel = $this->City(); return $this->render( 'timelimitsgroup' , [ 'type' => 1 , 'city' => $cityModel ] ); } public function actionTimelimitsgroupform () { $model = new PushmTimelimitsgroup(); $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $result = $model->getList( $input ); if ( $result != null ) { foreach ( $result as &$val ) { $val[ 'create_at' ] = date( 'Y-m-d H:i' , $val[ 'create_at' ] ); } return Help::JsonData( 0 , Yii::t( 'app' , 'get_success' ) , $model->Total( $input ) , $result ); } return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , Yii::t( 'app' , 'get_error' ) ); } public function actionTimelimitsgroupadd () { $cityModel = $this->City(); return $this->render( 'timelimitsgroupadd' , [ 'type' => Yii::$app->request->get( 'type' ) , 'city' => $cityModel ] ); } public function actionTimelimitsgroupaddform () { $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $model = new PushmTimelimitsgroup(); $model->scenario = 'add'; $validate = $model->Authenticator( $input ); if ( is_object( $validate ) ) { if ( $validate->save( false ) ) return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , Yii::t( 'app' , 'add_success' ) ); } return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , Yii::t( 'app' , 'add_error' ) , $validate ); } /* * 首页 - 修改页面 */ public function actionTimelimitsgroupedit () { $model = new PushmTimelimitsgroup(); $cityModel = $this->City(); $row = $model->FindById( Yii::$app->request->get( 'id' ) ); if ( $row != null ) { return $this->render( 'timelimitsgroupedit' , [ 'type' => Yii::$app->request->get( 'type' ) , 'row' => $row , 'house_name' => Yii::$app->request->get( 'house_name' ) , 'city' => $cityModel ] ); } } /* * 显示抢购 修改数据 * */ public function actionTimelimitsgroupeditform () { $model = new PushmTimelimitsgroup(); $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $setAttribute = $model->Authenticator( $input ); if ( is_object( $setAttribute ) ) { $row = $model->FindById( $input[ 'id' ] ); if ( $row != null ) { $row = Help::SetAttr( $input , $model , $row ); if ( $row->save() ) return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , Yii::t( 'app' , 'edit_success' ) ); } } return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , Yii::t( 'app' , 'edit_error' ) , $setAttribute ); } /*排序 删除 显示*/ public function actionTimelimitsgroupdelandshow () { $model = new PushmTimelimitsgroup(); $input = Yii::$app->request->post(); $row = $model->FindById( $input[ 'id' ] ); if ( $row != null ) { switch ( $input[ 'type' ] ) { case 'show': if ( $row->is_show == 1 ) { $row->is_show = 2; } else if ( $row->is_show == 2 ) { $row->is_show = 1; } break; case 'del': $row->del = 2; break; case 'sort': $row->sort = $input[ 'sort' ]; break; case 'click': $row->click = $input[ 'click' ]; break; case 'group_num': $row->group_num = $input[ 'group_num' ]; break; } if ( $row->save( false ) ) return Help::JsonCode( Help::SUCCESS , Yii::t( 'app' , 'edit_success' ) ); } return Help::JsonCode( Help::ERROR , Yii::t( 'app' , 'edit_error' ) ); } private function Developers () { $developers = new \common\models\Developers(); $developers->is_del = 1; $developers = $developers->getList( [] ); return $developers; } private function City () { $city = new \common\models\CategoryCity(); $city->state = 1; $city->pid = 0; $cityModel = $city->getList( [] ); return $cityModel; } public function actionHothouse () { return $this->render( 'hothouse' , [ 'type' => 1 ] ); } /** * 添加推送楼盘 * @return string */ public function actionHothouseadd () { return $this->render( 'hothouseadd' , [ 'type' => Yii::$app->request->get( 'type' ) ] ); } }