# numeric extensions ## Aliases - numeric - currency - decimal - integer - percentage ## Options ### digits Number of fractionalDigits Default: "*" The value can be a number, *, or a quantifier syntax like 2,4 When the quantifier syntax is used, the digitsOptional option is ignored ### digitsOptional Specify wheter the digits are optional. Default: true ### enforceDigitsOnBlur Enforces the decimal part when leaving the input field. ### groupSize Define the grouping of the integer part. Default: 3 ### autoGroup Enable grouping of the integer part. Default: false ### allowMinus Allow to enter -. Default: true ### negationSymbol Define your negationSymbol. Default: { front: "-", //"(" back: "" //")" } ### integerDigits Number of integerDigits Default: "+" ### integerOptional Specify wheter the integerdigits are optional. Default: true ### prefix Define a prefix. Default: "" ### suffix Define a suffix. Default: "" ### decimalProtect Do not allow assumption of decimals input without entering the radixpoint. Default: true ### min Minimum value Default: undefined ### max Maximum value Default: undefined ### step Define the step the ctrl-up & ctrl-down must take. Default: 1 ### unmaskAsNumber Make unmasking returning a number instead of a string. Default: false Be warned that using the unmaskAsNumber option together with jQuery.serialize will fail as serialize expects a string. (See issue [#1288]) [#1288]: https://github.com/RobinHerbots/jquery.inputmask/issues/1288