//地图盒子的高度 var windheight=$(window).height(); var divheight=$('.y_maphead').height(); var navheight=$('.y_puicdh_c').height(); var windwidth=$(window).width(); var divwidth=$('.y_mapcenter_left').width(); var _height= windheight-300; $('.y_mapcenter_list').css('height',_height) $('.y_mapcenter').css({'height':(windheight-divheight-navheight)+'px'}); $('.y_mapcenter_main').css({'width':(windwidth-divwidth-20)+'px'}); // $('.y_mapcond_main .y_mapcond_right span a').hide(); // 地图找房 区域效果 var dataID={}; var dataTitle={}; var time = 300; //加载时间 $(function(){ /*----------------------------------检索------------------------------------------------*/ /* 搜索框检索 */ var text; //用于存放检索内容 var _txt=''; //用于存放点击搜索之前的值 用意在于不能每点击或回车一次发送请求 var dataTxt = {}; $('.y_maptop_scr').keyup(function(event) { if(event.keyCode==13){ fuInput(); } }); /* 点击搜索按钮 */ $('.y_maptop_sub').click(function(){ fuInput(); }); /* 获取input框的值 */ function fuInput(){ var txt = $('.y_maptop_scr').val().replace(/\s/g,""); //获取input 内容并去掉所有的空格 if(txt !== _txt){ _txt=txt; dataTxt.content=_txt; $('.y_mapcond_right').html(""); //清空里面所有的标签 getData(1,dataTxt,false); setTimeout(function(){ $('.y_mapcenter_list ul li').eq(0).click(); },time) } } /*----------------------------------筛选--------------------------------------------------*/ // 区域、预算、户型、特色点击获取筛选条件 $('.y_maptop_sel .y_leixing').on('click','a',function(){ var _type = $(this).attr('data-type'); var _thisID = $(this).attr('data-id'); var _thisTitle = $(this).text(); $(this).parents('.y_maptop_sel').find('.dataText').html(_thisTitle); switch(_type) { case "city": dataID.city=_thisID; dataTitle.city = _thisTitle; break; case "price": dataID.price= _thisTitle; // _thisID; dataTitle.price = _thisTitle; break; case "houseType": dataID.houseType=_thisID; dataTitle.houseType = _thisTitle; break; case "trait": dataID.trait=_thisID; dataTitle.trait = _thisTitle; break; } getData(1,dataID); //选择筛选条件时候,把条件通过Ajax提交返回数据 // console.log(dataID); //筛选条件的显示 var _htm=""; for(i in dataTitle){ _htm +=''+ dataTitle[i] +''; } $('.y_mapcond_right').html(""); $('.y_mapcond_right').append(_htm); //插入前先进行清空再插入 }) // 显示筛选条件处的删除功能 var module = {city:"区域",price:"价格",houseType:"户型",trait:"特色"}; $('.y_mapcond_right').on('click','.yusuan a',function(){ var property = $(this).attr('data-type'); //删除对象中的数据 delete dataID[property]; delete dataTitle[property]; // 实现删除当前标签时,对应的数据修改为默认值 $('.dataText[data-id="'+property+'"]').html(module[property]); $(this).parent('.yusuan').remove(); //删除当前的标签内容 getData(1,dataID); //选择筛选条件时候,把条件通过Ajax提交返回数据 }) //清空条件 $('.y_mapcond_left').on('click',function(){ dataID={}; //清空对象 dataTitle={}; //清空对象 $('.y_mapcond_right').html(""); //清空里面所有的标签 //把所有的筛选条件修改为默认值 for(i in module){ $('.dataText[data-id="'+i+'"]').html(module[i]); } getData(1,dataID); //选择筛选条件时候,把条件通过Ajax提交返回数据 }) //区域 点击筛选 $('#y_maptop_sel1 .y_left a').on('click',function(){ var cyit=$(this).attr('city'); var sjtitle=$(this).text(); $(this).css({'color':'#f00'}).siblings().css({'color':'#666'}); $('#y_maptop_sel1 p.y_right').attr('sj-city',''+sjtitle+'') $.post('/map/pidcity',{id:cyit,'csrf_token_f':csrfToken},function(data){ var echodataUl = $('#y_maptop_sel1 p.y_right'); echodataUl.html(''); var data = data.data; var html = ''; $.each(data,function(key,val){ html =''; html+=''+val.city_name+''; html+=''; echodataUl.append(html); }) }) }); // 区域 预算 户型 特色 显示隐藏 navMouseleave(".y_maptop_sel"); }) /* 显示隐藏方法封装 */ function navMouseleave (oid){ $(oid).on({ mouseover: function() { $(this).find('.y_qysf').show(); }, mouseleave: function() { $(this).find('.y_qysf').hide(); } }); } /* * 区域点击事件,当点击某个区域时,跳转到相应的区域位置 */ $('#y_maptop_sel1 .y_left a').on('click',function(){ $('#y_maptop_sel1 p.y_city span').text($(this).text()); var post=$(this).attr('post') var _point = newPoint(post); point=new BMap.Point(_point[0],_point[1]); mp.centerAndZoom(point, 8); mp.enableScrollWheelZoom(); // lplist(); }) /*------------------------------------百度地图----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var mp = new BMap.Map("allmap",{minZoom:5,maxZoom:16}); mp.addControl(new BMap.OverviewMapControl()); //添加默认缩略地图控件 // mp.addControl(new BMap.OverviewMapControl({isOpen:true, anchor: BMAP_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT})); //右下角,打开 mp.addControl(new BMap.ScaleControl()); // 添加默认比例尺控件 mp.addControl(new BMap.ScaleControl({anchor: BMAP_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_LEFT})); // 左下 mp.addControl(new BMap.NavigationControl()); //添加默认缩放平移控件 mp.addControl(new BMap.NavigationControl({anchor: BMAP_ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT, type: BMAP_NAVIGATION_CONTROL_SMALL})); //右上角,仅包含平移和缩放按钮 // point=new BMap.Point(110.483789,19.119914); point=new BMap.Point(106.367394,34.111821); mp.centerAndZoom(point, 10); mp.enableScrollWheelZoom(); var geoc = new BMap.Geocoder(); // console.log(geoc); // 复杂的自定义覆盖物 function ComplexCustomOverlays(point, text, mouseoverText){ this._point = point; this._text = text; this._overText = mouseoverText; } ComplexCustomOverlays.prototype = new BMap.Overlay(); ComplexCustomOverlays.prototype.initialize = function(map){ this._map = map; var div = this._div = document.createElement("div"); div.style.position = "absolute"; div.style.zIndex = BMap.Overlay.getZIndex(this._point.lat); var span = this._span = document.createElement("span"); var that = this; var arrows = this._arrows = document.createElement("div"); arrows.style.background = "#EE5D5B"; arrows.style.position = "absolute"; arrows.style.width = this._length + "px"; arrows.style.top = "10px"; arrows.style.left = "0px"; arrows.style.fontSize = "13px" arrows.style.padding = "4px 10px"; arrows.style.color = "#FFF"; arrows.style.cursor = "default"; arrows.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap"; // arrows.style.boxShadow = "rgba(56, 55, 55, 0.7) 0px 1px 18px 0px"; arrows.style.letterSpacing = "1px"; // arrows.style.MozUserSelect = "none"; var span = this._span = document.createElement("span"); arrows.appendChild(span); span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this._text)); var that = this; div.appendChild(arrows); var m_arrows = this._arrow = document.createElement("div"); m_arrows.style.background = "url(/overseas/img/label1.png) no-repeat"; m_arrows.style.position = "absolute"; m_arrows.style.width = "11px"; m_arrows.style.height = "10px"; m_arrows.style.top = "23px"; m_arrows.style.left = "7px"; m_arrows.style.overflow = "hidden"; arrows.appendChild(m_arrows); arrows.onmouseover = function(){ this.style.background = "rgb(36, 186, 231)"; m_arrows.style.backgroundPosition = "0px -20px"; this.style.cursor="pointer"; } arrows.onmouseout = function(){ this.style.background = "#EE5D5B"; m_arrows.style.backgroundPosition = "0px 0px"; } div.onmouseover = function(){ this.style.zIndex = 999999; } div.onmouseout = function(){ this.style.zIndex = 0; } mp.getPanes().labelPane.appendChild(div); return div; } ComplexCustomOverlays.prototype.draw = function(){ var map = this._map; var pixel = map.pointToOverlayPixel(this._point); this._div.style.left = pixel.x - parseInt(this._arrows.style.left) - 8 + "px"; this._div.style.top = pixel.y - 35+ "px"; }; ComplexCustomOverlays.prototype.addEventListener = function(event,fun){ this._div['on'+event] = fun; }; /*---------------------------------------新添加的省、区域-------------------------------------------------------------*/ function labelFu(data){ var datacenter = data; //数据重新赋值 var rank = datacenter.rank; //获取级别 var text = datacenter.city; //获取城市 var pid = datacenter.pid; //省份iD var count = datacenter.count; //获取城市楼盘数量 var point = newPoint(datacenter.point); var _points = new BMap.Point(point[0],point[1]); //经纬度处理 // 复杂的自定义覆盖物 /*添加图标*/ function ComplexCustomOverlay(point){ this._point = point; } // console.log(datacenter) ComplexCustomOverlay.prototype = new BMap.Overlay(); ComplexCustomOverlay.prototype.initialize = function(map){ this._map = map; var div = this._div = document.createElement("div"); div.style.position = "absolute"; div.style.zIndex = BMap.Overlay.getZIndex(this._point.lat);//聚合功能? div.style.height = "45px"; div.style.width="45px"; div.style.cursor="pointer"; div.style.zIndex = 0; div.setAttribute("pointX", this._point.lng); div.setAttribute("pointY", this._point.lat); div.setAttribute("rank", rank); div.setAttribute("pid", pid); // console.log(rank); var arrow = this._arrow = document.createElement("p"); arrow.style.background = "url(/overseas/img/yuan1.png) no-repeat 0px -54px/62px 117px"; arrow.style.backgroundPosition = "8px -54px"; arrow.style.width = "70px"; arrow.style.height = "39px"; arrow.style.lineHeight = "20px"; arrow.style.marginTop = "-8px"; arrow.style.textAlign = "center"; arrow.style.top = "30px"; arrow.style.padding = "10px 0"; arrow.style.left = "68px"; arrow.style.color = "#FFF"; // arrow.innerHTML = text; var _ew = this.arow = document.createElement("em"); _ew.innerHTML = text; var _arow = this.arow = document.createElement("span"); _arow.style.display = " block"; _arow.innerHTML = count; arrow.appendChild(_ew); div.appendChild(arrow); arrow.appendChild(_arow); div.onmouseover = function(){ arrow.style.background = "url(/overseas/img/yuan1.png) no-repeat center/62px 117px"; arrow.style.backgroundPosition = "8px 1px"; this.style.zIndex = 99990; } div.onmouseout = function(){ arrow.style.background = "url(/overseas/img/yuan1.png) no-repeat center/62px 117px"; arrow.style.backgroundPosition = "8px -54px"; this.style.zIndex = 0; } /* * 给覆盖物添加点击事件 */ div.addEventListener("click", function () { /*获取当前的经纬度*/ var _x = $(this).attr("pointX"); var _y = $(this).attr("pointY"); Apoint=new BMap.Point(_x,_y); /*获取级别*/ var _rank = $(this).attr("rank"); var _pid = $(this).attr("pid"); var mapRank = 14; if(_rank == 1){ mapRank = 10; fuAjaxRegion(_pid); // 把区域遍历 // getData(1,_pid); //选择筛选条件时候,把条件通过Ajax提交返回数据 }else if(_rank == 2){ mapRank = 15; fuAjaxLabel(_pid); // getData(1,_pid); //选择筛选条件时候,把条件通过Ajax提交返回数据 } // console.log(Apoint) mp.centerAndZoom(Apoint, mapRank); // 点击当前覆盖物跳转到当前省份上,放大到10级 mp.clearOverlays(); // 清除地图上所有的覆盖物 // 获取当省份 var province = $(this).find('em').text(); // console.log(province) }); mp.getPanes().labelPane.appendChild(div); //getPanes(),返回值:MapPane,返回地图覆盖物容器列表 labelPane呢??? return div; } ComplexCustomOverlay.prototype.draw = function(){ var map = this._map; var pixel = map.pointToOverlayPixel(this._point); this._div.style.left = pixel.x - parseInt(this._arrow.style.left) + "px"; this._div.style.top = pixel.y - 30 + "px"; } var myCompOverlay = new ComplexCustomOverlay(_points); //添加覆盖物的经纬度 mp.addOverlay(myCompOverlay); //将标注添加到地图中 } /*遍历所有省份*/ function fuAjax(){ $.ajax({ url:"/map/province", type:"GET", dataType:"json", success:function(data){ if(data.code == 200){ // console.log(data.data) $.each(data.data,function(key,val){ labelFu(val); }) } }, error:function(request){ console.log('加载失败!'); } }) }; fuAjax(); /*遍历所有区域*/ function fuAjaxRegion(pid =null){ $.ajax({ url:"/map/city", type:"GET", data:{pid:pid}, dataType:"json", success:function(data){ if(data.code == 200){ $.each(data.data,function(key,val){ labelFu(val); }) } }, error:function(request){ console.log('加载失败!'); } }) }; // fuAjaxRegion(); /* * 新添加标注物 */ function fuAjaxLabel(pid =null){ $.ajax({ url:"/map/cityhouse", type:"GET", data:{pid:pid}, dataType:"json", success:function(data){ if(data.code == 200){ $.each(data.data,function(key,val){ // console.log(data.data); var point = newPoint(val.point); //把经纬度进行转化 var _points = new BMap.Point(point[0],point[1]); //经纬度处理 var txt = val.title //+ ' | ' + val.content.pic; var mouseoverTxt = ""; var _iw = createInfoWindowCityHouse(val); //把当前的数据添加到标签中 var o = scope(_points); if(o != undefined){ var myCompOverlay = new ComplexCustomOverlays(o,txt, mouseoverTxt); //将覆盖物存到变量,以便下面使用。 mp.addOverlay(myCompOverlay); //把标签到地图上 myCompOverlay.addEventListener("click", function () { //点击出现对应自定义覆盖物 mp.openInfoWindow(_iw, _points) // 点击标签弹出标签 }); } }) } }, error:function(request){ console.log('加载失败!'); } }) } /*监听地图移动事件*/ mp.addEventListener("dragend", function(e){ // var delta = -e.originalEvent.wheelDelta || e.originalEvent.detail;//firefox使用detail:下3上-3,其他浏览器使用wheelDelta:下-120上120 // e=e || window.event; var u = mp.getZoom(); // 定义地图缩放等级的变量 if(u>12){ var center =mp.getCenter(); mp.clearOverlays(); //清除地图上所有的覆盖物 fuAjaxLabel(); } }) /*获取可视区域*/ function scope(_point){ var bs = mp.getBounds(); //获取可视区域 var bssw = bs.getSouthWest(); //可视区域左下角 var bsne = bs.getNorthEast(); //可视区域右上角 // console.log(1) if(_point.lng >= bssw.lng && _point.lng <= bsne.lng && _point.lat >= bssw.lat && _point.lat <= bsne.lat ){ // console.log(_point) return _point } // console.log("当前地图可视范围是:" + bssw.lng + "," + bssw.lat + "到" + bsne.lng + "," + bsne.lat); } // 方法2:用于监听滚轮事件 //firefox使用DOMMouseScroll,其他浏览器使用mousewheel $('#allmap').bind('mousewheel DOMMouseScroll',fullscreenScroll); function fullscreenScroll(e){ var u = mp.getZoom(); // 定义地图缩放等级的变量 // console.log(u) if(u>6 && u <= 9){ mp.clearOverlays(); //清除地图上所有的覆盖物 fuAjax(); }else if(u > 9 && u <= 11) { fuAjaxRegion(); mp.clearOverlays(); //清除地图上所有的覆盖物 }else if(u > 11){ mp.clearOverlays(); //清除地图上所有的覆盖物 fuAjaxLabel(); } } /*--------------------------------------- 新添加的省、区域 END -------------------------------------------------------------*/ // 遍历覆盖楼盘名称 function labal(obj){ // console.log(obj) $.each(obj.data, function (i, obj) { var txt = obj.name; var mouseoverTxt = txt //+ '  |  ' + obj.sale_price; var pintx = obj.longitude_latitude.split(',')[0]; var pinty = obj.longitude_latitude.split(',')[1]; var _points = new BMap.Point(pintx, pinty); var o = scope(_points); if(o != undefined){ var myCompOverlay = new ComplexCustomOverlays(o,txt, mouseoverTxt); //将覆盖物存到变量,以便下面使用。 mp.addOverlay(myCompOverlay); //把标签到地图上 }else{ var myCompOverlay = new ComplexCustomOverlays(new BMap.Point(pintx, pinty), txt, mouseoverTxt); //将覆盖物存到变量,以便下面使用。 mp.addOverlay(myCompOverlay); } var point = new BMap.Point(pintx, pinty); var _iw = createInfoWindow(obj); // console.log(obj) var _marker = myCompOverlay; //当初存的覆盖物变量 _marker.addEventListener("click", function () { //点击出现对应自定义覆盖物 mp.openInfoWindow(_iw, point); }); }); } /*--------------------------------- Ajax 分页功能 ----------------------------------------*/ var curPage = 1; //当前页码 var total,pageSize = 10,totalPage; //总记录数,每页显示数,总页数 //获取数据 function getData(page,arr = null,async){ if(async == undefined){ async= true; } $.ajax({ type: 'post', url: "/map/houselist", data: {'page':page,'limit':pageSize,'csrf_token_f':csrfToken,'data':arr}, dataType:'json', async:async, //为了解决检索时,点击对应的楼盘 beforeSend:function(){ $(".y_mapcenter_list ul").append("
  • loading...
  • ");//显示加载动画 }, success:function(json){ $(".y_mapcenter_list ul").html('');//清空数据区 if(json.code == 200){ total = json.count; //总记录数 $('.housenum em').html(total); // pageSize = json.pageSize; //每页显示条数 curPage = page; //当前页 totalPage = parseInt((parseInt(total) + parseInt(pageSize) - 1) / pageSize); //总页数 var html = ''; var list = json.data; $.each(list,function(index,array){ //遍历json数据列 var jg=array.sale_price; jg='待定'; // console.log() // console.log(array.sale_price + 'name' +array.name ) if (array.sale_price != 0 && array.sale_price != null) { jg = array.sale_price+array.price_unit; } html+= '
  • '; html+= '
    '; html+= '
    '; html+= ''; html+= '
    '; html+= '
    '; html+= '
    '; // console.log(array.characteristic); if(array.characteristic != null){ $.each(array.characteristic,function (k,v) { html+= ''+(v.length > 4 ? v.slice(0,3)+'...' : v)+''; }) } html+= '
    '; html+= '
    '; html+= '
  • '; }); $(".y_mapcenter_list ul").append('
  • 数据加载中...
  • ');//显示加载动画 setTimeout(function(){ $(".y_mapcenter_list ul").html('');//清空数据区 $(".y_mapcenter_list ul").append(html); $(".y_mapcenter_list ul li").eq(0).click(); }, time); $(".y_mapcenter_list ul").on('click','li',function(){ //点击列表对应自定义覆盖物 var that = $(this); var _point = $(this).attr('data-id'); if(_point != undefined){ var _pointx = _point.split(',')[0]; var _pointy = _point.split(',')[1]; var _points = new BMap.Point(_pointx, _pointy); // var _i = $(this).index(); // var _newhou = json.data[_i]; var dataObj= {}; dataObj.sale_price = that.attr('data-price'); dataObj.price_unit = that.attr('data-unit'); dataObj.thumb = that.attr('data-utl'); dataObj.name = that.attr('data-txt'); dataObj.city_name = that.attr('data-city'); dataObj.id = that.attr('data-oid'); // console.log(dataObj) var ih = createInfoWindow(dataObj); mp.centerAndZoom(_points, 15); //对应的坐标及放大级别 labal(json); //遍历所以有的点 mp.openInfoWindow(ih, _points) //当前覆盖添加并展示 } }); }else{ $(".y_mapcenter_list ul").append('
  • 未找到符合条件的楼盘...
  • ');//显示加载动画 $('.housenum em').html(0); total = 0; //总记录数 } }, complete:function(){ //生成分页条 getPageBar(); fun(); }, error:function(){ // alert("数据加载失败"); } }); } //获取分页条 function getPageBar(){ //页码大于最大页数 if(curPage>totalPage) curPage=totalPage; //页码小于1 if(curPage<1) curPage=1; pageStr = '
    '; //如果是第一页 if(curPage==1){ pageStr += "首页上一页"; // alert("已经是首页!") }else{ pageStr += "首页上一页"; } //如果是最后页 if(curPage>=totalPage){ pageStr += "下一页尾页"; // alert("已经最后一页!") }else{ pageStr += " 下一页尾页"; } $("#pagecount").html(pageStr); } $(function(){ getData(1); }); function fun(){ $("#pagecount span a").on('click',function(){ var rel = $(this).attr("rel"); // alert(rel) if(rel){ getData(rel,dataID); } }); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // 处理经纬坐标 function newPoint(_point){ // console.log(_point); var pointArr = []; if(_point != null){ if(_point.indexOf('|') !== -1){ var _pointx = _point.split('|')[0]; var _pointy = _point.split('|')[1]; } if(_point.indexOf(',') !== -1){ var _pointx = _point.split('|')[0]; var _pointy = _point.split('|')[1]; } pointArr.push(_pointx,_pointy); return pointArr; } } /* 点击弹出对应信息 */ function createInfoWindow(data){ //自定义覆盖物 // console.log(data) var pri = '待定'; if(data.sale_price != 0 && data.sale_price != null){ pri = data.sale_price + data.price_unit; } var opts = { width : 250, // 信息窗口宽度 // borderRadius:'5px' , } var iw = new BMap.InfoWindow( '
    '+ '

    '+ ' '+ ' '+ ''+ '

    '+ '

    '+ ' '+data.name+''+ ' '+data.city_name+''+ //''+pri+''+ '

    '+ '
    ', opts ); return iw } /* 点击弹出对应信息 */ function createInfoWindowCityHouse(data){ //自定义覆盖物 // console.log(data) var opts = { width : 250, // 信息窗口宽度 // borderRadius:'5px' , } var urleng= data.content.href; var url = urleng.substr(0, urleng.length-1); // 截取跳转地址最后一个 "/" // console.log(url) var iw= new BMap.InfoWindow( '
    '+ '

    '+ ' '+ ' '+ ''+ '

    '+ '

    '+ ' '+data.title+''+ ' '+data.dq+''+ //''+data.content.pic+''+ '

    '+ '
    ', opts ); return iw }